Who: Everyone!
What: Waking up to the start of the AU, hurrah!
When: ....Now?
Summary: You wake up confused... disoriented. This isn't your house. This isn't your family! Just what is going on!?
Rating: Probably all over the map.
Probably comment-spam would be the easiest way to do it. Have fun kids |D
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Zzzzzz and shifting over again and - falling right off the edge of a way-too-narrow bed. Zoro blinks fuzzily, prone on the ground and still tangled in his sheets, then the room comes into focus.
It's not his. Well, his swords are right here, and as he looks around contemplatively from his low vantage point, he can see some random weights, boots, and bottles of booze stashed under his bed...hallmarks of his old bachelor pad, but not things that would be scattered around these days. (Except for the booze.) And the treacherous narrow bed is too small to comfortably share.
...Time-travel? Shifts throwing people around to random places? Zoro hauls himself up and snags his journal, flipping it open as he heads out of the room to see just where he's ended up, and to find ( ... )
Vivi-chwaaaan~! No, your very presence here is enough to quell my troubled heart~!!
[Speaking... of which...]
You were shifted here too?
Yes. I woke up in there. [She points to the bedroom door, which she left slightly ajar, and then holds up the small bag of her belongings she gathered from there.] Some of my things were here too.
...actually, do you know whose house this is? Do you think we should leave a note?
... But there's an idea. [He'd been so ready to ditch the place without a second thought, leaving a note hadn't occurred] I'm sure whoever lives here will appreciate it.
Anyway, I need to get home before Vash gets too worried, so I can't really wait for them to get back, but it seems rude not to leave any word. [She begins to casually scan the immediate area, looking for something she can use to write a note.]
[It's a decent-sized kitchen with a couple of drawers. Sanji opens one and happens to get lucky, spotting writing utensils and pads of paper]
Oi, Vivi-chan~! I found some.
[She'll wait politely at his side, for him to either hand her the paper or begin composing the note himself. She's not quite sure what it should say--this isn't exactly an everyday kind of situation, after all--but given the circumstances, she thinks the home's owners will be understanding. Odds are, they woke up somewhere strange too.]
Any ideas on what we should say exactly?
Maybe... not to worry if things seem out of place?
We should probably mention this, too. [She taps the side of the small bag of her things she'd gathered from the bedroom she woke up in.] I was careful to only take my own things, but I think I might have missed a few things. Some of Usopp's things were here too; he took them when he left. Was it the same for you, Sanji-san?
[Alexei is slowly trying to make sure all his kids are okay by both being out and about the village and checking the journals. Zoro makes one he's heard from so far.]
Where did you find yourself this morning?
[A small pause, then, as he's exploring the house-that's-not-his - ] You end up anywhere interesting?
[You know, being part of the army and a part-time job as city watch]
If I hear anything on Nami, I'll let you know.
I'll do the same.
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