Who: Whoever wants in!
What: The return of the draftees
When: The night of the 29th until morning; timing is ambiguous for more freedom D|
Where: See below.
Summary: The battle is, for the moment, over; time to pick up the pieces and go home again.
Rating: IDEK
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These last five days would have been like a holiday, if only Yuuka didn't come to hurtling down the side of CH4. It takes her a moment to realise whats going on, though smashing against the side of the building helps some.
She's able to right herself before landing on the floor luckily, turning in the air and slowing herself to leisurely pace before setting foot on the ground.
Now the youkai has returned, first things first. Check on that garden. Yuuka will be working within her garden as per usual, after taking a leisurely stroll around CH4. If she's tired it really doesn't show.]
[...Oh. That's a new addition.]
[Though should Loki want to lay there a little longer, that is perfectly fine too. Of course should he dally for too long, he will end up experiencing a parasol forcing it's way through his flesh and bones as a very angry youkai swoops over.]
He manages to roll away and flatten some more flowers before scrambling to his feet. "Yui" looks somehow scarier than before, but Loki recognizes her right off the bat. He takes a readying stance.]
This is your garden?
Nameless fool, of course it is my garden. Why else would I be asking [Telling.] you to leave~?
[As such, she readies another lunge with her parasol positioned behind her, ready to sink it into Loki's body.]
If you wanted to borrow some of my time you're in luck. It seems a gap has opened up in which you may fit. You should be thankful~!
Can't we talk this out?!
I provided you with sufficient conversation the other day, if you have more to say then that is a shame~ You had your chance. Now either remove yourself from my beds or sleep beneath them.
Poof. He is now a guinea pig. He scurries between flowers and danmaku, barely managing to read the trajectories of the bullets as he tries to run for the bushiest bush he can find.]
You know that you're tearing up your own garden, right?!
Rodents must be exterminated like the vermin they are~
[After the first wave of bullets stop she'll look around for that guinea pig. Did it hide over here in this bush? Perhaps. Taking her parasol in hand again, she stabs the bush a few times from all sides. Come out and play Mr.guinea pig~]
And then the parasol comes in. He's never seen anyone use a parasol so viciously in his life, and he has had a very long life. After watching a few stabs come dangerously close, he changes to hummingbird form and makes a break for it straight up and out of the bush.]
My, a real shapeshifter! This is certainly an educational experience~
[Seeing as this hummingbird is away from her garden, being in the air, she has no qualms about unleashing this next spell.]
Love Sign 「Master Spark」
[Pointing her parasol in the general direction in which he is flying, a large wide-spread 'laser' fires forth with a flash of light from the parasol's tip.]
How is that a "love sign"?!
[His left arm is singed and bleeding, but he ignores it to shoot a series of beams and blasts at her with the other. Huge ditches appear in her garden as flowers and dirt are blown to high heaven with his attacks. It is, unfortunately, an unavoidable side effect of his offensive spells.]
Of course amidst the attacks, she can't help but notice her garden getting thoroughly wrecked. Flowers she could handle, filling in holes was something else entirely.]
It seems a different approach is in order~ [Should he stop attacking, she'll end up approaching him very slowly. Her grin twitches a little, but she otherwise appears very calm.] For the sake of the garden, perhaps you would like to take this elsewhere~? Oh, and let us use the standard spellcard rules in our battle, too. Or are rules too complex for you to get your poor bird brain around~?
I've never been aware of any "rules" in battle. I'm afraid you'll have to entertain me with an explanation.
And I hope you'll give me a reason to consider the safety of your garden when you're being a lot less considerate for my own safety.
[While they're just talking, she'll set about recovering what flowers had been uprooted or damaged. Where the flowers had been destroyed, more seem to grow out from the soil. Of course she's leaving the ditches and holes until later.]
We shall take part in a battle where the outcome will be decided by whoever is hit first. [Overlooking his already injured arm of course.] The one hit first will be the loser whilst the other, of course, the winner. The outcome of the battle will not be disputed further and both sides will accept the results regardless of who wins and who loses. [Smirk.] Of course you can set conditions should you win, and I will do the same... Should you wish to decline the use of rules however, I will not be responsible for whatever condition befalls you ( ... )
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