Title: Burning Memories
Author: Lisa
Status: Completed
Chapter List:
Prologue /
Chapter One /
Chapter Two /
Chapter Three /
Chapter Four /
Chapter Five /
Chapter Six /
EpilogueRating: R (for violence, language and sexual situations)
Fandom: Supernatural/BtVS Crossover
Pairing: Buffy/Dean
Genre: Angst/Drama
Summary: Illusions are a devils game that blur the black and white lines to gray. Evil is back, but which form will it appear in?
Spoilers: All season of BtVS are fair game along with all episodes of SPN up to “Everyone Loves a Clown”
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all related characters are copyright The CW Network. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright Joss Whedon and ME. No infringement intended. “To make everything right is for God to just reach out and turn off the light!” is taken from a modern day nursery rhyme by Shel Silverstein, no infringement intended.
Distribution: Not without permission from myself.
AN: This piece is dedicated to Dani. Happy birthday sweetie and thank you for all the help. This piece NEVER would’ve gotten finished if it weren’t for you and all your help. You are a true friend and I love you lots!
AN: I took some liberties with this piece. Buffy didn't go back to her 'friends' and she didn't create all potentials into full Slayers.
AN: Thanks to
dhfreak for the lovely banner!
Tears pooled in her emerald eyes as she raced up the uneven rock stairs towards Sunnydale High’s basement. She could feel the heat licking her back, singeing the hem of her tan jacket. She felt asphyxiated, consumed by the flames as the smell brought an unwanted reminder of the evening - of what she had lost.
The image of Spike’s body being surrounded by flames made her want to turn around and drag his stubborn ass out before it was too late, before he was gone. The arrogant blonde vampire had been there when no one else was. No matter how much she pushed him away he always stuck around taking all of her insults, so different from the past men in her life. They had all without fail left her no matter how hard she had tried to please them and she had tried.
Images flooded her mind and her stomach churned in protest as she recalled the sight of Spike's body slowly being consumed by the amber flames. She could still see the agony etched on the sharp contours of his face while his skin charred to a deep red right before it turned to ash. Buffy had lit vampires on fire before, but that... the look in his clear ice blue eyes would never leave her.
Spike was going to die for her, for the cause she had spent years fighting against and he was going to do it alone. A selfless death, one of a warrior. Tears blurred her vision and caused her to lose her footing on the uneven stone. She stumbled to the ground, her knee taking the brunt of the fall hitting a jagged and sharp corner of the stair. Buffy felt the rock cut through her skin and it was a welcomed pain. It reminded her that she was still alive, that she was still fighting for survival. She looked down to find her jeans torn over the knee and her own scarlet red blood soaking the frayed edges.
Everything was falling a part in such a chaotic fashion. It had been for months and she had simply fooled herself into believing that she could control it all. Her friends, the people closest to her had all turned their backs on her. Hell, even her sister has lost all faith in her. Everyone except Spike, the least likely one, had pushed her away. But now he was gone, leaving her alone to be suffocated by the non-stop memories of the last two days.
Vomit rose up her gorge as she crawled up the final two stairs, expelling the meager contents of her stomach next to the seal. Her skin felt hot and clammy, making her wish silently that Spike were there to cool her down. His chilled skin would be a welcomed relief to more than just her body temperature. Buffy rolled onto her back, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her erratic breathing.
Her attention snapped towards the seal as it slowly closed, rasping in a series of groaning aches until it finally disappeared. A hot tear rolled down her cheek and she whispered his name while her hand touched the spot where the seal had been moments prior. The ground was still scalding, burning her skin as she let it rest there for a moment. Numbly she flipped her hand over to examine her burned skin on her palm.
Blood shot eyes widened as she gazed at a portion of the seal that had been branded on her flesh. It would be a reminder of this night. Of how the two of them, Spike and her, had worked together and smacked down The First. Buffy had been right about the scythe and yet that didn’t dull the ache she felt deep inside.