Mar 14, 2003 16:04
this weekend is gonna suck...someone help me have fun after work tonight and tommorow night....otherwise i just might wig
Mar 12, 2003 16:35
I hate worrying about you
Mar 10, 2003 14:45
we can and will make it though anything that is thrown at us......we are unstoppable and I love it....for every ounce of misunderstanding and hurt......there are a thousand ounces of love
Mar 09, 2003 00:13
you single handledly made me pretty upset. Its amazing ow one day its great and the next its not.
Feb 21, 2003 14:15
who get drunk at 10:0 in the morning????.....oinly bad asses like me dan and tony....and not MATT...fucking copp out. Its 2:16 and I feel like I've had a full day already.
Feb 17, 2003 21:33
Dan and I talked about it and we think that instead of blowing $800 dollars on spring break, we can spend $200 and buy a keg of jack daniels and a bunch of hand cream and just spend spring break masterbating and getting drunk.
Feb 16, 2003 02:10
drinking with the guys is the only thing that i care about
Feb 13, 2003 00:07
for everything everyone thinks they know....they know nothing....watching everything....listening to every word...observing everything...thinking about everything...and most of the time.....hating every minute of it.....
Feb 10, 2003 14:50
Xxu matt uxX: you might have what i have
Xxu matt uxX: cancer
NoFate16: if only i was that lucky
Xxu matt uxX: yeah vanessa would probably have sex with you then
Xxu matt uxX: i would
Feb 08, 2003 12:12
You have no clue what you are doing do you?