Welcome back! Got back from Chicago this afternoon. what an awkward trip it was, very tense. You almost have to watch what you say and not have an opinion just to have a pleasant time around Ryan's friends. Oh well. Im here and Im fine. I missed my house and little Elliott. I bought some paint also, I'm pretty excited. and pretty tired too...
I want cheesecake.. Having a cold its pretty lame, how do you gather the energy to still function like a normal mom when your head is throbing and you're more tired than usual. meh, me and Elliott will just have to hug it out.
Does anyone know that website you can go to when websites are blocked? I remeber Tony told me one time but I forgot, stupid work restricted our internate usage. >:/
At least I have some beer to drink and little Elliott pants to hang out with, he's never to tired to hang out with me. For now at least, when he gets older they will both leave me at home and go do little boys stuff. Meh.
ok you really freaked me out this time, naked little girls don't qualify as the good type of creepy. My paintings on the other hand are boring and repetetive. I need a good place to find inspiration. Internet and tv are not an option.
and I love it, one more hour to go woohoo! Chicago will suck tomorrow, even more so knowing that I could be going to the Ours concert but cant. Damn the devil to hell. maybe sleepytime next month... I miss my Ellibear.