[without warning, a short beeping is issued by all the CATs, and every resident in Luministi inexplicably passes out for exactly one minute. when they awaken, they will find themselves completely restored to their normal forms]
[as usual by now, all CATs and vidscreens then activate.
this song plays in accompaniment to a montage of scenes of the town, finally ending in a picture of
this house. the image then cuts to a typical black-and-white scene. the Mayor is sitting at a desk in a lavish study, accented with wood panelling and full of artwork and patterned rugs. the desk is made of fine-grained wood and is decorated with statues--wooden lions, a marble Poseidon, and a bronze lion sitting front and center in front of the man. the Mayor looks like himself again--calm and cheerful, with his suit in a neat and immaculate state and an easy smile on his face. he might even have a twinkle in his eye]
Citizens of Luministi, I am here today to announce a joyous occasion! Two of our own dear citizens--[pauses, taking a deep breath and wiping at one eye, looking slightly overcome with emotion]--two of our own dear citizens, who have met and grown closer through their shared experiences in our beloved town, have decided to tie the knot officially and become our first new Luministi family! [he is positively beaming at having shared this announcement] Yes, I have the pleasure of announcing that the Doctor and Sophie Hatter will shortly be married here in town. In honor of this most special of occasions, I will be officiating myself at the ceremony, and I would like to invite you all to my home to share in the celebration! I look forward to seeing all of our extended Luministi family there!
❧ Plot Details: Follow the Leader
It seems that whatever had the Mayor so upset is no longer an issue! Whether it's because of the wedding or for some other reason, the Mayor has decided to invite the residents to his home. Accordingly, the residents will find that, north of the town hall, the mansion in the Mayor's montage has mysteriously appeared and can now be found on their town maps.
Not just that, but as soon as the Mayor's transmission ends, the residents may notice that their mysteriously-moving lion statues are on the move again. In fact, they will slide right through the townhomes and out the front doors. These statues aren't very fast-moving, but they do seem to have a talent for side-skirting obstacles, and doors and other objects will actually move to allow them passage! This might be unfortunate, as the residents' CATs will start to go after them--first giving a slight tug against the resident's clothing, but eventually dragging the resident they're attached to along for the ride.
Once outside, both the lion statues and the CATs will make a beeline to the north and--you guessed it--directly into the Mayor's house. Hopefully the residents packed their bags before they were pulled along because, after they enter the Mayor's house, the door will slam behind them. Any resident who attempts to turn and reopen the door will find that they are unable to approach it. Instead, they are pulled back by the same sort of force that dragged them to the house in the first place. This means that residents can continue to enter, but no one will be able to leave once they are inside. Fortunately, both the CATs and the lion statues stop moving once they are inside the entrance hall of the house.
Residents will find that the inside of the mansion is just as lavish as the outside and the study they saw in the transmission. There are plenty of rooms on the second floor with exceptionally comfortable beds to sleep in, as well as wardrobes that seem to have been filled with particular residents in mind. There is a fully-stocked kitchen, among other facilities like a music room with a grand piano, a recreation room with a state-of-the-art vidscreen offering nearly unlimited film and game access, exercise facilities, and even a ballroom.
One thing residents will not be able to find in the mansion is the Mayor. Nor will they find anywhere that is decorated for a wedding. How strange...
But despite the lack of wedding preparedness, throughout the house, residents will find a number of decorations. Many of these are similar to the ones in the Mayor's study--statues and paintings showing lions, suns, or Greek gods and goddesses--but there are also furnishings, rugs, furniture, and further paintings from famous artists from a variety of different times and universes. Like in most homes, there are even photographs on walls or sitting on tables. Many of these show the town's residents in the different locations around town. However, there are several that show a few surprisingly different locations. These photos typically feature a smiling Mayor--for the first time seen in full color--in a white, clinical uniform. Sometimes Miss Osculia is at his side. One shows him shaking hands with Dr Resarci in a very similar uniform. Yet another has Sheriff Iussus, in a practical black uniform with red stripes on the sleeve, standing formally beside a proud-looking Mayor. Audrey and her brother also feature in one of the pictures taken in the white room. They are also dressed in white. Andre is smiling for the camera, and Audrey is making bunny ears behind his head. Finally, there is a picture of the Mayor in his typical white with a grinning, waving Verita dressed in bright colors beside him.
The house also holds one last secret. In it, the residents will encounter five locked doors. These doors, like many of the buildings in town, will resist any and all attempts to break them down or circumvent them. One of these doors is in the northernmost portion of the house and bears no marks at all aside from a knob that will not turn under any pressure. Currently, there is no way to enter this door.
The other four doors can be found in the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest corners of the house. They all have a panel in place of a knob. This panel has what looks like a standard CAT reader on it. Below the reader, an electronic screen reads: "Wave CAT for security question." Residents can indeed do what it asks. If a resident or group of residents wishes to enter one of these four locked rooms, simply comment below ICly with the room's location or a link to the relevant/thread entry where character(s) are encountering the door. A mod will then respond either here or to your entry with the security question for that door. The answers to these questions can be deduced through previously-revealed plot information, as well as information released on pages like the Town Features. Residents are free to try security questions multiple times or, if they cannot answer a question at one of the doors, to try a different one. However, once a resident has correctly answered a question and entered a room, they will be unable to leave it until a certain condition has been met. After leaving the room, the other three doors will no longer respond to their CATs. Basically, any resident can give as many wrong answers as they like, but they can only answer correctly once and can only enter one of the rooms. Just what they'll find inside their room, well, you'll have to answer a question to see...
Also, it is time for our final ACTIVITY CHECK! As the game is in its final month and applications are closed, we are not as concerned with characters' pointing us to their activity. Instead, this is just a check of whether or not you plan to stick with the game through the end. If you would like to stay in the game for our final plots, comment below with your character's name(s) and journal(s). That's all. You can even do this as an OOC note in an IC comment if you'd like. Players will have one week to respond before receiving a warning in the OOC comm, and after two weeks, unfortunately non-responding characters will be dropped.
As always, please also feel free to leave OOC questions on this post!