Textures and Lost Header

Aug 02, 2006 19:32

- 2 icon sized texture sets
- 3 Larger Textures (800x450)
- 1 Lost Header (796x450)

Texture Sets
So I've been experimenting with stock images to help create textures and here's what I've come up with. What do you guys think?


Large Textures
For those of you who'd only like the larger textures from the above sets, I've uploaded a zip file containing 3 textures. I'm not sure how helpful the cloud texture will be but I thought I'd throw it in there, you can always delete it if you don't need it. Below is an example of what I did with the cloud texture as my base image.


Lost Header
Used as an example to show what you can achieve with your textures. If anyone would like to use the header go right ahead. I purposely left the top area empty so you guys could customise it to your liking by adding more pictures/your LJ username any other text etc. You might have to resize the image to fit in with your layout but that can easily be done. I suppose you could use it as a wallpaper too.


Resources / F.A.Qs
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+ If you're snagging things from previous entries, no need to comment on each post - one comment is fine :)
+ Most of all enjoy! =)

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large_textures, tv: lost, textures

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