May 02, 2005 01:29
Does anyone else feel like killing themself whenever they see the commercial for that "Bling it on" stuff?
Apr 29, 2005 18:33
I can't go to the Sakura festival.
/edit/ And my tea tastes like water -_-
Apr 28, 2005 17:32
Gorgeous, shirtless, boy painting my room... I can die happy. T-T
Apr 19, 2005 17:23
Well I set up a cute little loveless BG and I really like it, I used the animation/imaging thing that I downloaded to make it. I really need to help my icons though.... they are all choppy and blegh.
Apr 19, 2005 02:54
Why are the good ones always gay/dumb as rocks?
Apr 15, 2005 10:57
MY new icon owns.
<3 shiro le thanks
Apr 11, 2005 15:05
I just picked a random ass color and this is what I got. Yay.
Apr 06, 2005 22:21
Okay then. So preparations for going to school are going swimmingly! I'm really so very excited!! and although I am sad that some people cannot be happy for me being able to fulfill my dream and whatnot I'm in a good place none the less! Showcase is tomorrow night I hope everyone who can come will! 5$ at 7:30 I do believe!