Did anyone lose a pet Flobberworm?! I found Terrence here in the common room, and he didn't have a collar on. If he's yours please don't worry, I'm taking good care of him. I read the latest Quibbler aloud and he had some butterbeer.
Skinned my knee. Played in the snow by myself. Went on a safari. Owled Father. Peeves wrote a poem about me. Stayed up late. Dueled with Ronald. Wore earmuffs to breakfast.
A boy died. Don't be sad, we'll all see him again someday.
[private:] I have started owling back and forth with Harry Potter. Only... I am a secret friend. So I can't tell anyone. Especially not him. It is nice to have someone to talk to, though. I hope he will not figure it out any time soon. [/private]