Title: Seeing the Light 2 Pairing: KyuMin Genre: Romance Rating: G Summary: When Kyuhyun meets Siwon, he thinks he found his destiny. But then he meets Sungmin. A/N: Yeah, I separated them again. It was twice 'That Was Our Song' okay!
what?! you don't think its up to par?!?! this was a work of art... this was written quite professionally and artistically.. it was crafted to perfection...
i love it... it had a beautiful beginning and a much more pulchritudinous ending..
wuaaah how can you say that you don´t like iitttt!? it´s awesomee~~ like srsly awesome!! you wrote it shuppa beautiful!!<3 <3 <3 LOVED IT!!:D
kkkn kyu was at the wrong place searching for his right one <3 hihihi he wouldn´t have believed if ppl would have told him that his destiny could be found in a hospital XDD~
wuah seeing kyu smiling and playing in the rain is really a precious sight :D but it would have been even more precious if the one who hugged him would have been min XD~~
you could never say no to precious kyu <3 IT´S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE XD~~~~~
speaking of fooodd.....I am hungry too now ;A; XD KYU GIMME SOME OF THIS!!!!*___* I like buffets with much much food XDD~
Poor him :( it must have hurt him very much to see his own BF with someone else :( BUT NOW MINNIE IS HERE!!!!XDD
destiny was playing with you~ siwonnie was and will never be your right one :) it´s min <3
minnie is souw cute :DD
I am so happy that he was by kyu´s side when he was sad!<3
( ... )
I don't like it because I don't think it's not good enough. :( But thanks for responding otherwise!^^
I like Sungmin's food, too. :3 And thanks for all the compliments and comments, rofl. X)
I'm a Sungmin bias! Like you! But my journal is filled with Kyuhyun stuff! XD Thanks for the wonderful read and your spontaneously long comment that I would always wait for. X) Saranghae :D Love, Crystal.
It IS good!! not good is not the right word...IT WAS AWESOME!!!XD there is ntohign to thanks :) I am only saying the truth!
I wish He would cook for me too Q_Q but it´s always me who cooks for ppl XD *sighs....XD* you welcome~
yesh I only see kyu O.o!XD BUT ME IS SUNGMIN BIAS TOO!!but why is it full of kyu if min is your bias XD? kekek you welcome <3 will comment on all your kyumin ffs <3
saranghae nadoo~
love, vivi
PS. you are the first one I know who also writes "love,..." in the end!XD <3 finally found someone who also does it 8D
LOL. XD You sound like @GaemGyyu. :/ He rants me to write ALL THE EFFIN' TIME. OTL. XD I'm actually not planning anything at the moment... And besides, I have so many tests coming up, don't have the time or the legality to do this. XD
Comments 23
i love it... it had a beautiful beginning and a much more pulchritudinous ending..
Really? LOL. ... This was supposed to be QMi, but I don't like writing QMi so I put Won in. 8D
Thanks so so much for your lovely comment and I'm happy you had the urge to read the second part, I appreciate it very much!^^
wuaaah how can you say that you don´t like iitttt!? it´s awesomee~~ like srsly awesome!!
you wrote it shuppa beautiful!!<3 <3 <3 LOVED IT!!:D
kkkn kyu was at the wrong place searching for his right one <3 hihihi he wouldn´t have believed if ppl would have told him that his destiny could be found in a hospital XDD~
wuah seeing kyu smiling and playing in the rain is really a precious sight :D but it would have been even more precious if the one who hugged him would have been min XD~~
you could never say no to precious kyu <3 IT´S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE XD~~~~~
speaking of fooodd.....I am hungry too now ;A; XD KYU GIMME SOME OF THIS!!!!*___* I like buffets with much much food XDD~
Poor him :( it must have hurt him very much to see his own BF with someone else :( BUT NOW MINNIE IS HERE!!!!XDD
destiny was playing with you~ siwonnie was and will never be your right one :)
it´s min <3
minnie is souw cute :DD
I am so happy that he was by kyu´s side when he was sad!<3 ( ... )
I like Sungmin's food, too. :3 And thanks for all the compliments and comments, rofl. X)
I'm a Sungmin bias! Like you! But my journal is filled with Kyuhyun stuff! XD
Thanks for the wonderful read and your spontaneously long comment that I would always wait for. X)
Saranghae :D
there is ntohign to thanks :) I am only saying the truth!
I wish He would cook for me too Q_Q but it´s always me who cooks for ppl XD *sighs....XD*
you welcome~
yesh I only see kyu O.o!XD BUT ME IS SUNGMIN BIAS TOO!!but why is it full of kyu if min is your bias XD?
kekek you welcome <3
will comment on all your kyumin ffs <3
saranghae nadoo~
PS. you are the first one I know who also writes "love,..." in the end!XD <3 finally found someone who also does it 8D
oaky that was random LOL BYE!!!:DD *vanishes like a ninja*
Thanks for the read and the comment. 8D
P.S.: I like you a lot! :3
Thank you for writing and sharing this <3
I appreciate it SO much. ^^
Thank you foe your read and your comment. :D
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