What I would like to know is..
We apparate at or as close to the conjunction of two ley lines as we possibly can get.
Why can't we just travel along them?
Or right through them? I mean, they're lines of force yes, but they're still *lines*, right? So presumeably you could use the power of the leyline to alter leylines. Make them connect in new
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Comments 64
1/ get box
2/ accio rat
3/ aim box at speeding rat
4/close box
5/ take box elsewhere
6/ open box
7/ release rat
8/ dispose of box in a sensible manner
9/ go back home
Petrificus totalis tends to work rather well, and is less likely to give the rat concussion.
Works excellently for animal infestations. I don't mind giving THEM concussion. Need a vial with a rubber stopper?
What happens to all the things that get evanescoed?
He's perfectly giant. I am trying to save him from the dog who wants to kill him. If I can get him into the box as per the above instructions I'll bring him to you.
Mathematically, the light received from stars as a function of distance from stars in a hypothetical fractal cosmos can be described via the following function of integration:
light=\int_{r_0}^\infty L(r) N(r)\,dr
r0 = the minimum distance from which light is received ≠ 0
r = the variable of distance
L(r) = average luminosity per star at r
N(r) = number of stars at r
The function of luminosity from a given distance L(r)N(r) determines whether the light received is finite or infinite. For any luminosity from a given distance L(r)N(r) proportional to ra, light is infinite for a \ge -1 but finite for a < − 1. So if L(r) is proportional to r − 2, then for light to be finite, N(r) must be proportional to rb, where b < 1.
For b = 1, the numbers of stars at a given radius is proportional to that radius. When integrated over radius, this implies that for b = 1, the total number of stars is proportional to r2. This implies that light is infinite.
Still, I like the equation.
It's a good equation though isn't it. Not mine however, chap called Mandelbrot I believe.
"Look into my eyes..
Look into my eyessss..
You all need more chutney in your lives.."
All I need is a purple shawl and a ticky pocket watch.
I wonder what happens to all the lids of things that disappear. The lids disappear, I mean.
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