Unfortunately I forgot all about this place in the last year and more specifically in the last three or four months. Now that I've been in a change of scenery I will try to contribute to this more often. Without an LJ bookmark on my laptop, I forgot to read much less write here.
Last updated 22 weeks ago, it says. I've logged and checked my friends constantly but didn't realize I haven't posted in that long. Perhaps sometime at work I'll do some catching up.
It's not stolen. It was towed Monday. It's 200 dollars to pick it up. It would be $275 but he waived some of it for me. Looks like I have to park a decent bit away from the apartment from now on, even though we plan on moving ASAP for more reasons than the one mentioned in the old post.
Only a handful of new videos, but I made a vimeo since my webspace is gone. The third page is the newest stuff -- with my sweet cleaning towel headband and shirtlessness (laugh).