Title: Not Me (2/2?) SNEAK PEAK Pairing: main!Haehyuk Side Pairings: onesided!Yewook/ confused!Kyumin/ People: leader!Leeteuk Rating: PG A/N: Kinda scared/happy cause this is turning into more than a twoshot. If the comments are positive, I will start on my other series, I just like this one too much.
Title: Of Ducks and water or a.k.a Third Time's the charm. Genre: !crack/!romance Pairing: Kihae A/N: This is my first Kihae oneshot and yeah. To
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Title: New Day, New School Chapter 1 Pairing: A lot of them. It's a crossover. Rating: PG13 Summary: So far, Eunhyuk is anti-social, Sungmin is blond, and Henry is a snarky violin player. edit: holy shit, got my muse back. ( read here )
Title: New Day, New School Rating: PG13 Summary: A series of miscommunications leaves the boys and girls of Seoul Arts High School confused . AN: For
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