Ah yes, the NY post has run yet another furry related story, this time it is from a teacher in Salt Lake City Utah. She felt the need to come out of the perverbial furry closet and unfortunately unlike some of the other articles they have posted this one in my opinion is extremely uninspired and boring
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Comments 5
"Furries famously enjoy dressing up as cartoonish animals - sometimes as a sexual fetish, but more often as a fun escape."
"While many assume that all members of the furry subculture engage in strange sexual practices or harbor bizarre kinks, most furries dress up as animals as an innocent escape that fosters creativity and community."
There simply can't be any article that doesn't mention the sexual aspect of Furry. Other fandoms enjoy getting mostly positive media attention but everyone knows full well there is a sexual aspect to practically every fandom. Klingon sex anyone?!? As far as I'm concerned, this entire article was indeed boring and totally unnecessary.
But if one considers the genernal feelings of NY Post readers respective to "influencers" that is not surprising
On other topic, The livejournal team has really crippled their product for free subscrivers, they do not even allow a second page of "earlier entries" anymore. Unless you literally check daily a free user is likely to miss just about everything nowadays :(
I've had a permanent account for years. That is one of the main reasons why I still use Live Journal. Many have abandoned it a long time ago. Some die-hard people (like me) still post and comment here regularly, and some even pop-up on here after years of inactivity. It's amazing how furs go from one thing to the next: Live Journal to Dreamwidth, to Twitter (now "X") to Mastadon, to Discord, to VR Chat, to Bluesky, etc., etc. I gave up on joining new sites and platforms a long time ago.
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