After the scenes we had the other day (the goodbye clips), I felt like making a new montage, so here ya go...enjoy! Feedback is greatly appreciated! And TIA for watching my montage!!! And of course, big thanks to LLW and GET for providing me w/ the clips I used, as well as any other individual who made particular clips for me. THANK YOU!!!
Jul 19, 2006 19:51
I have a question, and hopefully someone out there can help me out, LOL. I have a montage that I made and its now on a cd rom disc. I was wanting to put it on a dvd disc to send out to my dad as a gift. Does anyone know how to put something thats saved on a cd-r disc onto a dvd disc? I'd appreciate any help! TIA!!
Jul 18, 2006 18:33
I just wanted to wish my good buddy, Terrie, a very happy birthday, cuz you totally deserve it hun! I hope you have a very happy and wonderful day! I wish you much love, happiness, and mega ChAceness on your very special day! Have a good one! Love ya tons!!! *hugs and mwahs*
Jun 21, 2006 11:26
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know Im really sorry for the lack of updates lately, not to mention the lack of updates for evryone on my flist. I havent updated in forever! I'm really sorry! I've been really busy lately. Went on vacation to California for 2 wks....May 19th-June 3rd. It was alot of fun, just super busy, LOL! Im pretty
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May 04, 2006 11:31
Hey everyone! I am SO sorry for being MIA lately! I havent updated in ages, let alone even replied to any of my flist posts! Again, I apologize for that! I have been so busy w/ stuff around the house, plus all of my kids are approaching the end of the school year. I will try to update as often as I can, but the rest of May is pretty much busy
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Mar 07, 2006 12:14
OMGosh, its been SO long since I've updated my lj!!! Im soooooo sorry people! I have had so much stuff going on, its crazy! Although, I have been replying to posts from people on my friends list, kinda, LOL! Im just really sorry I havent kept this thing updated. I hope all is well w/ evryone and I hope life is treating you all good!!! :) I miss
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Jan 27, 2006 11:04
Im SO far behind on my lj replying/posting, sorries!!! I have been dealing w/ sick kids. My 2 daughters are just now getting over influenza A and my son now has it. Plus I think Im getting it too!!! :( My throat hurts, I cant quit coughing, Im tired alot, and my head is hurting as well. Its jus a matter of time b4 I get the fever. I really hate
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Jan 20, 2006 15:05
I took this from fatedcinderella, LOL! It was fun, so maybe you all should give it a go!! Thxs!!!! *mwahs
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Jan 20, 2006 14:53
Ground rules: the first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 guilty pleasures" & people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 guilty pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. in the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged & list their names
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