Title: "Gibbs' Tale"
luvvycat Characters: Joshamee Gibbs; Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann (mentioned)
Rating: PG
BPS Prompt(s): Pursuit, Argument and Unanswered
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
A/N: 100 words dedicated with belated birthday wishes to
florencia7 and (slightly) early birthday wishes to
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Comments 8
'Tis no secret Jack's fav'rite pursuit is pursuit I am so smitten with this funny and truthful assessment of Jack's preference. The boy is a bug!
canary-cat's grin Cool as can be! This is such a visual snugged up in a little gem!
Thank you for remembering my Happy BD I like so much to play and it's lovely to have the perfect excuse for it.
Thank you for being in this funny old world, miz cat!
I know what you mean! Fortunately, Kevin McNally has done an absolutely splendid job of bringing Joshamee Gibbs to life, and giving him a very strong and distinctive voice. I love the character to bits, and I'm SO glad they kept him for OST (even though most of the other regulars were MIA)! I would have missed Gibbs tremendously, had TPTB decided to deprive Jack of his best bud and favourite "partner in crime." ;-)
'Tis no secret Jack's fav'rite pursuit is pursuit I am so smitten with this funny and truthful assessment of Jack's preference. The boy is a bug!
Jack does seem to spend every film pursuing something: the Pearl… revenge… Jones' key, chest, and heart… immortality… the Fountain of Youth, etc. In fact, for a pirate, he seems to do very little actual pirating; he's forever being sidetracked by these other quests! ;-)
canary-cat's grin Cool as can be! This is such a visual ( ... )
(The comment has been removed)
You're very welcome! And thank you for the hugs, and for providing the occasion for me to celebrate your birthday with fanfic! :-)
That's a WONDERFUL gift! :]:]:] Such a fantastic drabble! I love it!!! :D
I'm so glad you enjoyed your "present" (belated though it was)! Hope you had a fantastic birthday! :-)
-- Cat
canary-cat's grin
Well, it's SO true, isn't it? Jack always seems to be chasing after something, doesn't he? (When he's not running away from something, that is!) ;-)
canary-cat's grin
Thanks! I was hoping that it would sound like a very Gibbs-ian description (I could imagine that line, in Gibbs' voice, in my mind, as I was writing it). ;-)
Thank you so much for reading, and taking the time to Comment! :-)
-- Cat
Thank you! :-)
You've captured it perfectly in that Jack's fav'rite persuit is persuit!!!
Well, Gibbs wouldn't tell anything but the gospel truth, now would he? ;-)
To find this tale here after a horridly busy and stressful work week was such a grand gift.
I know exactly what you mean (been there, done that, have the grey hairs and the high blood pressure to prove it!). I'm so glad to have been able to lighten a horrific week for you! And aren't we glad we have fandom to keep us (mostly) sane? ;-)
Thanks so much for reading, and taking the time to Comment! :-)
-- Cat
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