Title: The Wheel's Always Turning
lycorisPairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen, Morgana, Gaius, Uther, Leon, plus pretty much everyone who appeared in Season One. Also contains Arthur/Others and off-screen Merlin/Will.
Rating: Light R
Word Count: 67, 094 words
Warnings: Non-graphic prostitution. About the same level of violence you get from Season One. Character death.
Summary: Merlin arrives at Camelot to start his new life working for Gaius. First he meets Arthur, then he meets a dragon who tells him that it is Arthur's destiny to become the Once and Future King of All Albion. The only problem is that Arthur is only a servant and Camelot already has a Crown Prince ...
Author's notes: Thank you to my betas,
emeraldsword and
robert_frogg for their help, con-crit and suggestions. Thanks also to
la_localfreak and
versipellis, both of whom said the right things at the right times! And, finally, thank you to
thisissirius for her wonderful artwork! This fic fills
this prompt at the kink meme and was written for
paperlegends Big Bang.
Art link:
Disclaimer: I don't own any of Merlin and make no profit from any of this.
Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart SixPart SevenPart EightPart NinePart TenPart Eleven There is now a sequel to this fic which can be found