Well, it certainly seems that this has caused a little tiff now hasn't it? Guilt trips, emotional breakdowns, tears, anger, pain, wrath... Oh this sounds like Junior year all over again! Yay! I remember how fun that was! -dripping sarcasm
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Comments 21
Frankly, I think it's admirable of him to step back and away from "Koko" and not engage in a sparring match with her over something that, in the big scheme of things, is a small issue. Better to give a cold shoulder and walk away than throw a hissy fit, stomp your feet, and really act like a two year old.
I don't know most of the people involved in this, but I do happen to know Lyiat pretty damn well and I would say he's been handling this with a cool head and doing his best to keep his chin up.
As far as the other issue, I don't wish to intrude/defend/offend, but I also find it admirable to keep a distance for a while. I wouldn't say you're being a two year old about this. Hopefully, people can come to understand your decision.
But of course, I witnessed none of these scenes, so I'm not trying to judge anyone. It's your senior year, and you're not going to get it back. Try to make the most of what's left.
Koko and I... well, honestly, I can't say we have ever been 'good friends'. We both argue far too much and we almost never see eye to eye.
If I was a Peer Mediator, then thats what they would call me. Fact is, I am... or, well, was, the Internet OFFICER. P said I had all the rights of such. Period.
I don't see what I am blowing out of proportion. -shrugs- I'm just not going to sit on my hands with nothing to do for a streight hour while people bounce around and chat about anime. Again, that is not why I helped start up the club and that is not why I attended it. So, without my job, I really don't want to go.
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