I'll admit that I might have hypochondriac tendencies. (
serialkarma commences hysterical laughing). I don't run to the doctor for every little sniffle though, cause I really don't like going to the doctor at all. I'm the type of hypochondriac who gets a headache and immediately thinks I have a brain tumor, but doesn't get it checked out because of the
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Comments 54
I would totally go for a diaphram but it seems so inconvenient.
I definitely think you're on the right track with the IUD. Besides being inconvenient, the diaphragm has a high enough failure rate that if you're anything like me, you'd be freaking out every time you were a couple days late (while condoms have a similar failure rate with typical use, diaphragms have a higher failure rate with perfect use). And the hormonal IUD has a very low level of hormones, although I don't know if your doctor would rather you try the copper after your reaction to the pill.
Yeah, I like the idea of not having to stop and put something in everytime I want to have sex. That's the biggest pain about the condom -- it kills the mood.
I switched to an IUD (the non-hormone kind) almost two years ago and I would absolutely recommend it. I will tell you that while the insertion was only mildly uncomfortable, no worse than a smear, I did suffer pain that was like, the WORST CRAMPS YOU HAVE EVER HAD for a few hours afterwards. Also my periods were a little wacko, but that very well may have been my body adjusting to not being on the injection anymore, which completely removed my periods.
The IUD is so easy, there's no bother, very few side effects - I would absolutely recommend it. It's worth a little discomfort on the day itself.
IUD is looking like a better option. I was worried about the pain of insertion, and about it moving around or being uncomfortable during sex, but since I know the lot of y'all have wild kinky sex then I feel much better about its staying power. :)
It wasn't uncomfortable to insert and I never noticed it once it was in. Keep in mind, though, that I had it put in six weeks after giving birth, so I was pretty blase at that point about things going in and out of my vagina. When they took it out two years later, it didn't hurt too badly, and I just had mild cramping/spotting that morning.
Yay, thanks for the info! I feel much less nervous about the IUD now. I really think I'm leaning more and more toward this option. It just seems like it would be right for me. And I don't hear all the horror stories like with the freaking pill.
...Although I should warn you that it apparently doesn't work THAT well, since I am in fact pregnant.
...Apparently, Gmail thinks I am doing lesbianism really wrong.
Now to just get Tech to agree to switch genders... ;)
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