My husband left me. I only hope it's for 2 days only.
Then he'll tell me his decision. And I'll tell him mine.
I want to go on. Just not like it's been for the last few months. I want it either the way it was in the beginning, or some nice new way. I just can't go on like this.
This time next year is going to be completely different from my current life. I'll finish school (at last! 16 years of studying - not bad) finally, and I won't have to work all summer! ;D Just like the good old childhood days. Only this time it's going to be someone else's childhood's first days! ;D
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Gribēju pastāstīt par vienu tādu kā spēli, ko Rolands rādīj pagājušajā mēģinājumā. Daudzi to prikolu jau droši vien zin, bet nu tomēr pastāstīšu
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Kad tu kādu ignorē, tev takš pie tā ir jāpiedomā, lai nejauši, pieraduma pēc, nepateiktu "čau", nesāktu atkal runāt, neuzsmaidītu, vai ne? Tas takš nevar notikt tā vienkārši un dabiski...? Tur IR jāpiedomā
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