Title: Always a Bit Left Over
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Warnings: Offscreen violence
Characters: Amy, Rory, the Doctor (eleventh)
Summary: From tumblrite laurelhach: "Headcanon: the ‘popcorn’ button on the tardis microwave causes all corn within a two mile radius to violently explode
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Comments 14
Now I wanna see the HeroWorld simulation. Like burning. I neeeeeeed it.
'I find extra bits'
OMFG...can he just...NOT. Ever?! I lie. I love it when he does that, lol!
Thank you for this! Thank you!
I am part of a phenomenon here. Will we find out that part of the farmer's ire at aliens is because this has happened more than once, and last time he distinctly heard someone referred to as a Space Idiot? Is a microwave included in Jamie's ever-expanding definition of the word "beastie?" Should we ship Adric/popcorn OTP? I can't wait to find out.
And I'm so glad you liked my story! *HUGS*
LOL! There should be a list of epic microwave disasters...a LIST.
How can I not?! You bring badass and awesomeness every time. It is truly a pleasure to read your work...so I plan to keep doing that. :D
You should know that as of this morning, there's another one on tumblr: http://bright-coat-and-bravado.tumblr.com/post/107204625891/doctor-who-and-the-malevolent-microwave
I have no idea where this will end, and I'm loving it.
LOL!! That's brilliant! That's a story I'd like to see.
And, naturally there's a "trick" to using the Doctor's microwave. I'm convinced that's why nobody else can fly the Tardis (generally) is not because it's hard to fly, but because, like any old broke down and jury rigged machine, there's a "trick" to it.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Is it bad I can so see a years-later sort of thing with 12 putting his hand into a coat pocket and bringing out some stray popcorn like 'The HELL?' and then laughing his arse off because he remembered?
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