...for no fucking reason, other than I'm a whiny immature, middle class bitch, whith no actual problems so I have to make them up, and then rant on LJ, becoming the biggest cliché to ever walk the face of the earth. LAME
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Official Survivor Congratulations! You scored 73%!
Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.
SO, death week is over. Finally. CBF show wednesday, which is exciting. THEN GUELPH in a couple weeks, TM is back, we're going to own guelph! That's going to be a killer weekend. SO EXCITED. Shit is going my fucking way *touchwood* FINALLY! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! I really have nothing better so write
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Created by greenday91 and taken 45 times on bzoink! Your Lucky Number:3Your Full Name:alyssaDo You Like Your Name?yesHow Old Are You?18Do You Think Blondes Are Dumb?noIs it Possible To Be A Dumb Blonde If You Are A Brunette?noYes it is!go dieWhat Is Your Best Friend's Name?
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WATCH THIS, CAUSE IT'S VIK Except their not brown, and their clothes are more girly. And this, even though I haven't watched the second one, I'm assuming it's much the same.