Special challenge - 22th round - December 2012

Dec 03, 2012 16:49

D o o m s d a y  -  t h e   b e s t  s o n g  p r a i s i n g  l i f e

12/21/2012, are you afraid of it? Are you excited about it? Are you love it? Or do you not even care about it? Or you will go mad??

Feel it. Describe it.

The moment you'd be it will be happen on the doomsday, the moment people face death. The moment you'll never forget when you face death. It could be the smile of someone you love, the death of people you love, the moment you and your love hold on to each other, the moment you stand there and see the world dying. The moment you struggle for your life. The moment you kiss your love goodbye. Or... even the moment you're the last survivor and see the world is being reviving. The moment you embrace your family, your friends, your love after the surviving the tragedy, so you realized that doomsday is the best song praising life. It could be anything.

Do it like 12/21/2012 will be the doomsday. So this is your last piece.

Give it all you've got.This is a special challenge. You can submit as much as you want, or you can team up with someone to make a icon out of it. Your job is color the panel and your partner's job is make it an icon. The voting post will be divided in two sections, full panel manga coloring and icon-sized.

If you still don't understand this month's challenge, then I'll put it real simple: the moment that you'll never forget.


  • One manga colorist color a panel/page, and others interested will be making icon out of them.
  • One panel could be made into multiple icons.
  • The colorists and icon makers identity should remain anonymous until the results are up.

For manga colorists
  • You can submit as much as you want. It can be from any fandoms, must be official artwork. Fanarts are not allowed.
  • It can be either a panel or a full page.
  • The deadline is 17th December. Here's the submission post.
  • You can make your own icon out of your coloring and submit it along with the coloring.
  • Please read and follow the submission guidelines.

For icon maker
  • You can sign up if you're interested in making icons out of the pieces people will be submitting here.
  • After you sign up, I'll invite you to join the community. Each time someone submit a new entry, I'll post it up in a locked post, and if you wish, you can start working on it right away.
  • Just leave a comment here saying you'd want to sign up and you'll be invited.
  • You can sign up whenever you want as long as it's still before 19th December.

Anna Dittmann's brush pack plus snow white tutorial for the best overall at manga coloring section!

Categories for voting
Manga coloring section
  • Best overall
  • Best lighting
  • Best moment
  • Mod's choice

Icon section
  • Best overall
  • Best creative
  • Best crop
  • Mod's choice




The Island soundtrack - My name is Lincoln - Steve Jablonsky: beautiful, epic
Two steps from hell - After the fall: tragic
Guilty crown - Bios: epic vocal song, if you don't know any German. LOL.

2nd - Start
18th - Deadline for manga coloring submissions
19th - Deadline for icon submissions
20th - Voting goes up
00h 21st December - results up

Pimp us? XD

m_c_contest special colaboration chalenge - DOOMSDAY

alt="" src="http://i.minus.com/ibxstQH4OMYDn3.jpg" style="border-width:
0px; border-style: solid;" title="" />

/>m_c_contest href="http://m-c-contest.livejournal.com/33687.html">special
colaboration chalenge - DOOMSDAY

!special challenge, round 22

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