Sometimes it comes the time when you have to leave places, persons, or even yourself...Did you ever experience this feeling ? The feeling of dividing yourself in pieces
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I rediscovered my livejournal...I will just say "hi" for now, but I belive soon I will write more about what happened in my life this year
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1.Dvorak-Humoresque OP107 2.Brahms-Walz no 15 OP 39 3.Chopin -Military polonaise OP 40 nr 1 in A major 4.Chopin -Etude , OP 10 nO 3 In E major 5.Beethoven-Piano sonata No 14 Moonlight 1st movement Especially nb. 5 I like it very much...
Well, a new day is like a new book you haven't read yet.You can guess what is next but you don't know for sure what will bring you: good luck, bad luck, who knows?
Azi am lenevit toata ziua.Bine ca mi-au facut altii de mancare ca altfel nici de mancat nu mancam.Am fost pe la Targul de oale din Copou si mi-am cumparat ceramica de Hurezu.Cat de frumoase sunt culorile folosite de ei la pictarea ceramicii
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I have a virus on my computer and no antivirus program can see it.It is a trojan or something.What should I do? Please tell me what kind of antivirus can i install to catch this damn virus.