Title: Enna-chan Chapter 10Pairing: RyuuNon
Author: Macy (
macymacymacy )
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Fantasy
Rating: G
FT Island's Love PVAN:
-Natsune - Ryuu's younger sister
-AU since Natsune became 6 years younger than Ryuu, since there's no 'smileage' in this universe and fictional history
-OOC? Ryuu here is like my ideal niichan XD
-another very short chapter...
Prologue |
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
“Enna-chan?” she finally heard his voice after a while.
She stumbled to her feet and went inside their room. Ryuu was looking inside his bag.
“Ryuu-kun.” She called.
Ryuu looked up and smiled at her. He took out his blue hat from his bag and wore it.
“There you are,” he said. “Are you ready?”
“Hai!” Enna said eagerly.
“Come on then,” he said and Enna went to him and let him carry her.
Ryuu hid her in his jacket when they passed the other members but when they were out of the hotel, Ryuu just carried her.
He was wearing a face mask. Ryuu explained to Enna that he needed to wear that so no one would recognize him because he said he didn’t want to catch attention of fans.
And it seems it really works. No one seems to recognize Ryuu and no one paid attention to them. A little girl did approach them and told Ryuu he had a beautiful doll but that was it.
They walk through the park, Ryuu pointing at things and explaining to Enna what they are. Enna was glad to learn new things.
Ryuu said the place was called ‘Yamashita Park.’ It was a very beautiful place with views of what Ryuu called the ‘ocean.’
After their walk and after chatting for a bit, Ryuu said they will go to ‘Nogeyama Zoo.’ Ryuu explained to Enna that it was where many animals are kept. Enna knew about animals like Natsune’s cat, *Ichigo, but she didn’t know there were other more kinds.
They rode a train. It was just like the van they would ride. Enna didn’t really know how that works, though. She didn’t know how you could go to one place, and then enter the train or bus and then when you exit it you’re in another place. Ryuu tried to explain it to Enna their whole ride.
After they got off the train, Ryuu walk for a bit more, carrying Enna with him and then they entered a gate.
Inside, Enna saw so many cute and scary animals. She saw bunnies and birds and many other smaller animals, they were really cute. She also saw snakes and tigers and crocodiles who Enna said were glaring at her.
"Do they know I am alive? Are they going to eat me?" Enna asked, holding on to Ryuu's hand with both her own.
"No they won't." Ryuu said chuckling a bit. "And they're caged, they wouldn't be able to come near us."
"Can we go back to the hamsters?"
After a few more rounds around the zoo, Ryuu stopped at a stand and bought food for him. They chatted by the bench where no one can see them while Ryuu finish his hotdog. It was mostly Enna talking though, of how she wanted to see more things, of how she was thankful that Ryuu showed these things to her, of how she wishes Natsune-chan was also with them.
“Let’s go with Natsune-chan next time, then.” Ryuu said. And Enna once more tried to hug his face.
They went next to a museum. Ryuu explained that they would see old important things there. He said it would be boring for others but he knew Enna would appreciate it.
They entered the building and there weren’t much people in there as there were in the other places they went to. They entered a room where there were different kinds of kimonos. Ryuu let Enna wondered there since it was only the two of them inside the medium sized room. He stayed by the door, in case someone came.
As he expected, Enna was very engrossed in the new things she was seeing. She was wearing a small smile as she touched the hem of the kimonos.
‘She moves like a princess.’ He observed. ‘Come to think of it, ‘Sayumi’ can mean ‘my little princess.’
He watched as she moved to other kimonos.
‘She really likes clothes.’ He thought and chuckled. He could imagine her being very girly if ever she was really a girl. ‘She might pass in H!P. She has a great voice, too and she’s beautiful.’
That was when it hit him. She is a doll. Well, he knew that but he didn’t really think much about it when they started talking and everything.
She’s different from him. It was not normal that she could talk and laugh and sing, even if it felt right.
“Ryuu-kun?” she called diverting Ryuu.
“Is it okay if you carry me to there?” she asked pointing at the display table. She couldn’t see since she was on the floor.
He just nodded and placed her on top of the table. She said thanks and continued on looking at traditional combs and other things owned by the ancient princesses of Japan.
He saw old hair accessories, old make-ups, and old slippers and there was even a very foggy mirror in which he could see Enna’s hazy reflection. But then he realized that the Enna in the reflection was wearing a kimono. He looked closer and realized that it wasn’t in fact a mirror, but a picture.
It was a picture of a girl who looks so much like Enna-chan. She was wearing a kimono similar to Enna-chan’s.
He read the label and ascertained that it was indeed the princess.
‘Princess Sayumi’ it read.
He stared at it, shocked.
“Ryuu-kun,” Enna-chan called once more, “may we go to other rooms?” she asked.
“Sure,” he said distracted. He carried Enna but then went and got one of the pamphlets about Princess Sayumi.
Enna has noticed that Ryuu was distracted after their visit to the museum, especially after looking at the paper he got in the kimono room. Enna was worried but she didn’t know how to ask him what’s wrong.
They last went to Yokohama Ferris Wheel as Ryuu promised. Enna was most comfortable then, since it was only her and Ryuu and they were sure no one would hear them talking.
They were quiet as their compartment went up. Enna looked down as they slowly ascended.
“Aren’t you scared?” Ryuu asked.
“A bit.” Enna said. “But Ryuu-kun is here so I know I’ll be fine.”
Ryuu smiled at that.
“It must be a lot higher for you since you’re small-“ Ryuu stopped. There it was again, a reminder that Enna is different.
“I have not thought of that.” Enna said, thinking. “So it must not be so high for you, then.”
Ryuu tried to smile. “Yeah.” He said.
"But, jeez, it's already too high for me." he chuckled. He was trying to relax.
The both of them went quiet again. Enna was looking at the city, observing.
‘She’s really enquiring.’ Ryuu thought. He could see the small smile planted on her lips.
“Are you happy, Enna-chan?” he asked.
“Hai.” She said. “I have learned a lot. You have my gratitude.” She smiled at him.
“You’re welcome. Enna-chan, you speak very formally… Why?” he asked.
Enna gave him a contemplative look, “Natsune-chan had said the same thing. I do not really know, I am used to talking like this. Is it weird?”
Ryuu shook his head. “Just that, you talk like you’re a princess.”
“Princess?” she smiled. “I did not know princesses speak like this.” She said happily.
“I would like to be a princess… It seems so splendid to be one.” She shared.
Ryuu’s face turned serious.
“Enna, you like Natsune, right?” he asked her.
“I love her.” She said.
“So you’d always be with her?”
“Hai. I wish to be so. I love Natsune-chan. And I love Ryuu-kun, too,” she blushed as she said it, “I would not want to be away from you.”
Ryuu finally smiled, but his eyes were still solemn. “Will you promise then?”
“Promise me you’ll never leave Natsune, that you'll never leave... us.” He said. '...me' he thought.
Enna looked at him questioningly. He held her gaze.
Finally, Enna spoke.
“I promise to always be with Ryuu-kun and Natsune-chan.” She said.
Ryuu relaxed.
That’s when they realized that they were already down.
- the park, the zoo, all the places there except for the museum is really in Yokohama. the museum is fictional.
- Ichigo - is Kanon's fictional cat in my other fic,
Niini! Nya (another RyuunNon)
- the talk in the zoo about eating and hamsters is a reference to Mai's (
crescentharpe) RyuuNon fic,
Hamster- if you haven't read and wanna read my other RyuuNon fics, they're
here. :)
next chap--->
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