Holy crap, I've seen a lot of movies this month. At the beginning of the year, Tom and Stephanie were comparing all the movies they'd seen at the theatre in the past year, and I sat there thinking, "I could count the number I'd seen in '07 on one hand. Pathetic. What kind of sham cinephile am I anyway?" So, this year, I resolved to make an effort
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Comments 10
We don't generally make it out to the movie theatre these days, but we've seen a fair number of movies on our small screen... one of these days I'll post about them. But probably not THIS weekend's cinematic experience of Hannah Montana concert in 3-d *shudder*
They saw the commercial and started begging immediately. Z is still too young to be embarassed by such things *grin*
I want to see Juno and No Country for Old Men. Will see Cloverfield on monday and today we're seeing something or other I can't remember the name of ;p
Ellen Page - can't wait to see her in something other than Hard Candy (which was a greta film, but with parts I didn't really buy in it).
Will probably try and see many of the films showing in the cinema we go to in the summer, once we can cycle there.. and once my overtime has slowed down (and we employ temps during the summer, so I know it'll be nicer then!)
The last movie I saw before that was I Am Legend. I liked it up until the disappointing ending.
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