Title: The Guardian (part 3 of 5)
Author: Madam Backslash
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Assume spoilage for everything up to and including Children of Earth
Cast: This part: OCs (bear with me)
Pairing/s: Canon
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and am not making money out of them
Notes: All hail my best friend, heart-sister and beta reader
estoile. Without her, this quite literally would not have been written.
1807 CE
Ioan Jones walked through the clearing in the lightening dawn until he stood in one particular spot. It was a cold December morning and the slender fourteen-year-old shivered in his inadequate clothing. He looked down at the grass and said quietly "I'm leaving. I can't take it any longer. It was all right, but it's getting worse, and I'm scared.
"I'm going to the Army. I'll be safe with them. I don't know if I'll ever be able to come back.
"I can't stay long. Once they realise I'm gone they'll send Madoc to look for me and this is the first place he'll come. It's bad enough that he got me my place at the Manor to begin with -- he'll be punished for my running away, but... I can't take it any more. Can't go to Mam either, or it'll go badly for her, and she's so sick already."
Ioan wiped his eyes before the tears could come. Dogs barked in the distance and he turned his head to see if he was being followed.
"I have to go now. Please let Mam and Arianwen, and Madoc too, know that I love them."
As he turned to leave, Ioan felt a wave of understanding and bone-deep regret wash over him. He took a deep breath, wiped his face again, picked up the satchel containing his worldly possessions -- his Sunday best clothes and the Bible he'd been given at first Communion -- and walked away from his old life.
1901 CE
Arianrhod Jones walked to the Guardian's place to pick herbs and tell the Guardian about her new baby sister. The herbs were always best and sweetest in this one place, and she loved to go there with her mother to gather them. Mam was a bit busy at the moment, what with the baby and little Rhys as well, so she had come by herself.
When she got there she noticed a mound of earth, like someone had dug a big hole and filled it in.
Arianrhod wondered what treasure they had found. No matter, the place still felt right, even with the hole there. She told the Guardian about her sister Blodwen, picked the herbs she'd come for and skipped all the way home, full of love for her family.
If you leave anything in one place long enough, it leaves an impression. Leave a sofa in one spot for a few months, and there's a dent in the carpet. Leave a living soul in the earth for two thousand years, and a part of it remains behind long after the body is gone.
The Guardian had been taken, but the land remembered him. Members of the long-established families could still feel his presence, and it seemed to them as if he could still feel their presence, too.
Part Two Part Four Master List