May 02, 2008 03:01
Why are there mother-fucking snakes in my mother-fucking power armor!?
May 01, 2008 13:53
Is this the first time the US Attorney General has left that post to become a professional baseball player? For the Yankees even?
May 01, 2008 07:46
Damn Communist Pagans with their goosestepping parades through the middle of the city and their nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic May poles.
Apr 30, 2008 11:22
I'm really happy that my "mid-life crisis" doesn't seem to include chasing after hawt 20-year olds... Though a sports car would be nice!
Apr 21, 2008 04:52
I need to get a "French bean"; it's been far too long and it's starting get unruly.
Apr 14, 2008 08:01
Should Jesus have anything in his macrame man-purse besides a tuna sandwich, a bottle of water and a tiny bottle of wine?
Mar 18, 2008 17:58
How does he manage to keep stuff in the Batcave from being completely covered in guano?
Mar 17, 2008 13:45
What does it say when the "Welcome to Utah" ad only has white people in it?
Mar 14, 2008 16:26
No one really understands what gravity is, not at any fundamental level. Therefore, it must be invisible pink unicorns standing on your head. What pulls the unicorns down? There's another invisible pink unicorn standing on top of that one and so on. It's unicorns all the way up!