Jul 13, 2010 00:01
- 13:25 Convention crud feels like a parasite. mildly annoying, not getting better, not getting worse. #
- 13:49 A clap of thunder outside, and the AM dial has lightning interference bring on a tstorm! #
- 14:40 @ KatharineS84 this is awesome! it reminds me of home in nebraska. #
- 19:42 Chicken noodle soup. #
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Jul 12, 2010 00:01
- 12:04 Alas, one cannot have their cake and eat it too. #
- 17:00 Let's Go Rockies! Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap! #
- 17:35 Padres held on to win. #
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Jul 08, 2010 00:02
- 12:22 The smell of chocolate chip cookies fills the air as I sell slates and styluses. #nfb10 #
- 20:36 Indulging in bw3 with @tonyolivero @trevaolivero @nlshaheen @emren and others #
- 20:37 Beer is an awesome thing. #
- 21:01 Really, really want a new iPhone. #
- 22:04 @ travisroth voiceover. i am sick of momobile speak. #
Jul 03, 2010 00:02
- 22:08 Wow. mobile speak won't read alarm settings on my ozone. epic failure? #
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Jun 30, 2010 00:00
- 13:49 _@nlshaheen If It Can Run IOS 4, It Should Be Available, But This Is Unccfirmed. #
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Jun 27, 2010 00:03
- 18:55 I think this will be my last windows mobile phone. #
- 19:01 Saw the new iphone 4. its flatness didn't vother me as much as i thought it would. #
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