It was this act in 1930's... more or less... When man almost wiped out the entire sea otter population, and almost killed off the right whale... you have to be 250 ft. away from a wild animal or you will be fined. Unless you have a fishing licence or a licence to be near a particular animal, you're koo.
Pretty trippy.
I found out today that my older sister manages Coconut Records entirely. I called her earlier to catch up and she was telling me that she sees Jason at least one a week and he calls her everyday. CRAAAAZY.
I'm actually pretty exited. Wes Anderson directed it... and he made the best movie ever... Life Aquatic... he made others, but i think this is gunna be a good one too. =]
Comments 11
If a cop saw her she SOOO would've been arrested. Its against the law to be that close to a wild animal.
i had no idea..
but how cool would that of been..
being that close...
Pretty trippy.
I found out today that my older sister manages Coconut Records entirely. I called her earlier to catch up and she was telling me that she sees Jason at least one a week and he calls her everyday. CRAAAAZY.
not about the sea otters..
just jason...
adrien brody jason schwartzman owen wilson...
natalie portman..
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