I'm talking about myself of course. So my computer crashed at teh end of the summer, and I lost my LJ password and username. I was devastated, but I'm back! and I'm getting a fresh start, yayyy. So add my new journal, once I create it, I'll post the name for you all lovely friends. :D
Soooooo....I've been MIA for like, 6 months. I am soooo dreadfully sorry. I promise to post AT LEAST once a week, and if I slack, please feel free to verbally beat me! :) I love you alllllll and hope you are all having a marvelous day!
So I'm sure basically everyone in the U.S. (and perhaps in the U.K. as well) has heard about the tornadoes that tore through Enterprise, Alabama and flattened the high school there. I live about an hour and a half from there and one of the girls that was killed when the school collapsed was in the grade above me and went to my school. Out of
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For my grand total of 3 LJ friends, I am soooooo sorry I haven't posted in soo long. I could kick myself! l0l Anyway, I make a solemn vow to post at least, if not more than, once a week from now on. Actually, given the way my life is going at the moment, Lj will be agreat way to vent!
...That's the question I've been getting lately, since I haven't answered my e-mails, updated my facebook, or posted on LJ in forever (like 2 weeks, but still!). So here's a brief update on my past week
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Ho hum. This is certainly a lazy day. Nothing much going on today, but the rest of the week is slam full. Friday I have to go to school and get my books and locker combination. Can you believe school starts Monday?! *wails* It's too soon! I am also searching frantically for a gift for my best friend's 15th b-day, and I am obviously brain-dead
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