welll sunday night heather jimmy and laura anne came over. :) laura drove abis car then they all went home yestterday laura jimmy josh and i went uptown and chilled :) it was fun . then i went home and ate and watched almost famous :) then everwood. then sleep. came to school late. SCORE.
yeah so im at bridgets. we are all basically wicked lazy yesterday i went to laurens and fell asleep right when i got there then we went here. watch shows and stuff. alright i dont know whats going down today i hate school
whoooppwhooppp. its TUESDAY. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. so yeah todya you know the usually peopel came over and there was like HEY and i was like HEY we ate some GRUMB then headed for the trampoline. man what a day TTYL ((talk to you later if those who dont know what that means))