Title: None Author: Maedae84 Genre: Angst-ish Pairing: None, or up to you dicrestion Rating: pg Disclaimer: I don't own. Also this is my first fic in a decade, critiques are more than welcome. Summary: Not long enough for one.
This is for all the Alice Nine fans. If you could get any Alice Nine Live DVD, which one would you get? I have enough money to get one, but I don't know which I'll get. Please help
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WEll, I got hit with this "Malicious Embed" crap. If you saw my last entry, the baby pic spam one, check to make sure you didn't get it. It would show as four boxes on the bottom of one of your entries, probably the most recent one.
Wow, it's been four weeks since Keira was born. It's gone by so quick. We've had a little setback, and I have to give her formula as well as nurse now, so I've been stressed for awhile. She's doing great though. She's a very calm baby. Here is some pic spam for you.