As many of you know, I’m not in the habit to be updating my livejournal. At some point in the near future I plan on building one or two blogs to put my writing skill to more constructive (i.e. profitable) uses. However, recent events prompt me to say something.
About a week ago, the screen cracked on my cell phone that I’ve had for 18 months. This
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the powers that be here on livejournal inform me that i haven't updated in 27 weeks. what can i say? life has been hectic? i have a new job at a commercial real estate broker and private lending company, my boyfriend and i are coming up on our anniversary, etc etc... but that is not what's important right now. langerado 2008 was no less than
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the infamous iphone smasher (look for iphone smash on youtube) is going to be on cnn tonight at 7, then again at 9. and why would i care about such trivial news of the cult of steve jobs? because this individual was also directly involved in the smashing of my foot via a car accident on the fourth of july
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in a very james lipton q & a bank of useless information about me, my favorite word happens to be cake. the look and sound of that hard "k" and the way it compliments the "a" and "c" makes it as aesthetically and auditorily pleasing as it is gastronomically. however, this one falls in my top 10
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footnote to my insanity: stupid internets. both tom from myspace and al gore are in need of a swift kick to the face. "i will always wait for you to catch me up..." and to think they were playing that song in the gap. lata daze.