Name: Katie
Age: Sixteen
Location: Virginia
Do you prefer a [ ]male or [ ] female stamp or [x] don't care?
Do you prefer a [ ] fantasy or [ ] sci-fi stamp or [ ] don't care or [x] both?
getting to know you
Positive characteristics: Affectionate, artistic, confident, bold, clever, kind, optimistic, and impulsive.
Negative characteristics: Indecisive, impatient, sarcastic, headstrong, obnoxious, loud, stubborn, and a perfectionist at times.
Neutral characteristics: Competitive, observant, clever, and curious.
Quote that describes you: "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."- Marilyn Monroe
Motto that you live by (if different from above):
these are a few of my favorite things
Give an explanation if needed.
Color: Red
Animal: Coatimundi
Mythical creature: Mermaid
Extinct animal: Dodo (only animal I can think of)
Fantasy novel: Harry Potter
Sci-fi novel: I've usually read more fantasy books than sci-fi.
Other novel: Sense and Sensibility.
Fantasy movie: Harry Potter, Disney movies, and The Wizard of Oz.
Sci-fi movie: Ghostbusters
Other movie: Some Like it Hot
Fantasy/Sci-fi tv show: I can't think of one.
Other tv show: Glee
Time period: 1920s-1950s
Non-fantasy/sci-fi hero and heroine: Dwight Schrute
Song with a sample of lyrics:
this or that
Are you more -there is room for both; please explain.
Abstract or Concrete: Abstract
Adventurous or Homey: Adventurous
Agreeable or Distant: Distant mostly. I can be agreeable at times when working in a group on a project or speaking to someone.
Cheerful or Melancholy: Cheerful
Clever or Pretty: Clever
Concise or Wordy: Concise usually.
Creative or Traditional: Creative
Emotional or Logical: Emotional with a pinch of logic mixed in.
Extroverted or Introverted: Extroverted
Fighter or Lover: Both!
Flexible or Stubborn: Stubborn, but flexible when it comes to adjusting to a situation.
Free-spirited or Practical: Free-spirited.
Goody-two-shoes or Naughty: I'm a goody-two-shoes with a small naughty streak.
Helpless or Independent: Independent.
Impulsive or Planner: Impulsive, but I do plan things out sometimes.
Mental or Physical: Physical
Modest or Vain: Modest
Subdued or Vivacious: Vivacious
test me; know me
The follow questions are optional - if you know the answer, please respond. If you are unsure, feel free to leave blank.
What is your
Myers-Briggs personality type? Would you agree? (
Test ) ENFP: The Visionary, but for that test I'm a Spontaneous Idealist.
What are your highest intelligences according to
Gardner? Interpersonal and Musical
What is your
What is your zodiac symbol? Does it fit you? (
Western /
Chinese /
Celtic )
Western: Aquarius- I think that my star sign fits me perfectly.
Chinese: Rooster- I'd say it's about halfway correct. I'm loyal, confident, trustworthy, and I have my moments where I like to be the center of attention (and many times when I don't, but that's not a Rooster thing). I do take pride in how I present myself, but I'm not organized.
Celtic: Rowan- "Celtic tree astrology recognizes Rowan signs as the philosophical minds within the zodiac. If you were born under the Rowan energy, you are likely a keen-minded visionary, with high ideals. Your thoughts are original and creative, so much so, that other’s often misunderstand from where you are coming. This sometimes makes you aloof when interacting with others as you feel they wouldn’t understand where you are coming from anyway. Nevertheless, although you may appear to have a cool exterior, you are burning within from your passionate ideals. This inner passion provides inner motivation for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural ability to transform situations and people around you by your mere presence. You are highly influential in a quiet way and others look to you for your unique perspectives. Rowan pairs well with Ivy and Hawthorn signs." Fits wonderfully, except for the part about having a cool exterior.
Do you have any siblings? What order are you? I have a little brother and I am the oldest in my family. He's nearly six years younger than me.
Would you consider yourself religious or spiritual? Not really.
would you rather
These are very extreme opposites, meant to be difficult to choose. Pretend you're being forced to decided one or the other.
Sacrifice yourself to save your friends or save them by marrying the villain? Sacrifice myself. I would never marry someone that I didn't love.
Fight to the death or have someone else rescue you? Fight to the death.
Live in a land of deadly dinosaurs, atrocious aliens, or mythical monsters? Mythical monsters
Wear a crown or corset or combat boots? Or all three? All three at the same time.
Sneak into the enemy’s lair or break down the front door guns a-blazing? Sneak into their lair.
Have superpowers and have thousands of enemies or be ordinary and forgettable, but safe? Ordinary and forgettable here. I don't like the idea of having thousands of enemies that could possibly harm myself or the people I love.
Live with your loving family, but never leave home or not have anyone close to you, but go on adventures? Go on adventures.
the hero in all of us
Would you travel in a group or be a loner? What role in the group would you fill? A small group consisting of three to four people and I'd be the leader.
What would be your costume? A dress that's a little long, but not conservative at all. It'll be very flexable and made of a breatheable fabric.
What would be your weapon of choice? A sword!
Would you have a sidekick or pet? A pet. Sidekicks just tend to get in the way most of the time.
Any special powers? Telekinesis sounds wonderful.
If you could invent any device, what would it be and what would it do?
What sub-genre would you be a part of? (romance/comedy/action…) Romance.
What conflict would you prefer? (man v. man, man v. wild…) Man v. Man.
look at me
Completely optional; post 1-3 pictures of yourself. Feel free to add pictures to the above sections to help voters know more about you. Please keep pictures decent and small; smaller than 500x500.
Please link to ALL unstamped applications that you have voted on.
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