... to another journal, that is. The past few years that I've had this journal, beginning with _whitekabuki and then renaming it to magnolium a few years later, have been equally eventful and uneventful. I've had my dramarz, my happy moments, my whatever moments. Livejournal's an awesome place to write anything the fuck you want
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I was having a magical, creative moment last week where I started making CD/single covers for (not all) my muses, and today I finally thought about putting in the songs. They're, of course, relative to the muse, and probably sounds like something they'd listen to, as well.
I regret to inform you that I dislike you. I knew it when I saw the shrunken head at the mental hospital. Please don't hit on Bill Clinton. I feel masochistic. Oh, that Santa doesn't exist. I will be keeping your ring and your photo. I, unfortunately, get sick when I think of the apartment building.