blah blah blah. Boring couple of days. Sunday was awesome though. Cat is awesome and so is her bed and couch. lol We had a good time eating lasagna and talking about how awesome we are andwondering around the neighborhood
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I would like for my words to flow like sunlight into a dusty room how perfect that would be to throw open the heavy curtains, outlining portraits, bookshelves, an out of tune piano in a fuzzy halo of spring cleaning.
But all day long I feel like I've just woken up and when I try to speak my mouth stumbles, like a broken watch.
I am a world away but I don't know which direction to head to get back. I'm free floating in space, lost in oblivion, trapped in another time and place, looking to get back to where I used to be. I'll be thinking of you. Ryan.
(I know where to go...but, I don't know how to get there...)