Yo fuck society man. You can go up to people and talk, you'll often find you have something in common. And yeah I'm entirely with you on the not needing a reason to hang out thing. People look for reason in too many things, leading to them being upset when the reason can't be found.
well, that is the theory at least. like i know that i and a lot of my friends have a lot in common but like i said and then you said needing a reason to hang out is bull and like you said i hate needing a reason and it does piss me off. the 'theory' is that you can just go up to someone 'without a reason' and talk to them, but in practice all you get is funny looks. even when you go talk to someone you still have a purpose or pretend to, other than to just shoot the breeze. its just annoying.
Just keep talking. The way to get over awkwardness is to talk and talk and talk. Silence makes situations awkward. Uncertainty makes situations awkward. Be straightforward, be solid in the fact that what you're doing is completely fine, and never stop talking, until the other party seems to want some input. I feel like that should work. Want to go to the mall someday soon and try it out?
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