Murphy's Law

Jan 07, 2007 10:05

Murphy's Law of sporting events: If you recorded the big game, someone you know will always come over, blurt out the outcome, and leave, as though it was their job to ruin your day.

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Comments 10

jamesorr81 January 7 2007, 16:29:39 UTC
Newton's modified third law: For every action, there should be an equal an opposite reaction. Like getting punched in the throat.


malkavman January 7 2007, 16:33:52 UTC
I threatened to rip off his head and sodomize him with it.


jamesorr81 January 7 2007, 18:36:12 UTC
A valid and well deserved threat.


kellyfaerie January 8 2007, 05:22:16 UTC
I once saw the end of a game and was completely thrilled by the ending score, and suprised because it seemed the other team had it completely bagged, and so i thought, "my friend Tim should hear me gloat, this would be great."

So I called over to Tim's, he said "hello" and I said "Whee, Go Texas!" and laughed, and there was a long pause, after which he said, "We're watching it on Tivo." and I said, "oh, sorry."

People should not answer their phones if they are watching a game on Tivo.


malkavman January 8 2007, 14:54:02 UTC
I was not even afforded the chance to not answer, or even to tell him I had not seen it. The topic of conversation was nowhere NEAR sports, and he just blurted it out. I never wanted something karmically bad to happen to someone in my life.


kellyfaerie January 8 2007, 19:45:06 UTC
heh. Well as long as you dont inflict that badness, your karma should be mostly ok...


malkavman January 9 2007, 02:46:03 UTC
No, I just punched the coffee table. He left after that, probably thinking he was next.


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