May 11, 2009 21:27
[Private to Tatsumi, Hakkai, Piper, Sanzo, Seto, Jounouchi, Owen]
Hisoka left today. For good. He's taken a job with the occult division. Apparently he's had it in the works for a couple of weeks. He even took Seiichiro and Konoe-san by surprise.
...It's alright. *small smile* So long as he's happy it's alright. And I'm alright, too.
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Comments 12
If you want to talk at all, I'm here. *hugs*
*hugs* You're so sweet to me. Thank you, Darling. ♥
You're welcome.
[Private to Tsuzuki]
Are you sure you're alright, Sweetheart? It's not that I doubt you when you say you're alright, it's just... I'm worried about you. I know how upset and pissed off I would be if the same thing happened to me.
[Private to Piper]
*soft chuckle* Now there's a fight I would like to see- even though Hisoka wouldn't take any permanent damage. *small smile* I do feel betrayed. Very much so. After all we've been through together, all the horrors with Muraki, and the missions... I don't understand it. All I wanted to do is be his friend.
I'm doing better today. I swear it. And do you know why? It's because for the first time ever, I have people who love and care about me to help me through, like Seiichiro, you and Hakkai. It makes such a difference, Darling. I don't know what I'd do without any of you. ♥
[Private to Tsuzuki]
I'm so sorry, my dearest friend. And are you sure you're alright? Because from where I sit, I'm having a hard time believing that completely...
In other news, I haven't seen you for a while. I've been baking some apple you think you and Tatsumi might be able to come by in the next day or two and have dessert with us? I miss you.
[Private to Hakkai]
*small smile* I'm very hurt, and very sad. He didn't even say goodbye to me, Hakkai. He just left. And he knew about it for two weeks! All during our last mission, all during Friday when he was being so kind to me... *blush* And I feel like such a fool for thinking I was finally getting to him and that we were becoming friends. Seiichiro keeps telling me it wasn't me, that it was the department, because he left the bureau completely and didn't just ask to be transferred to a different partner. I'm trying very hard to believe that. But it isn't helping a whole lot so far. Seiichiro is, though. He's being so patient and kind. So even though I'm sad right now, I know I will be alright.
I would love to come see you! And not just for the pie! I'll talk to Seiichiro about it, and we'll come soon, because I miss you too, my dearest friend. *small smile* And I could use a good cuddle right now, if you're up for it. Not that Seiichiro isn't. He's taking such good care of me, cuddling included. But you know what I mean ( ... )
[Private to Tsuzuki]I'm so sorry that he went about things the way he did. I hope that with a bit of time, he'll be able to put aside that reason and come talk to you. I know that you struggled to get through to him, but I also know you cared for him. I hope he realizes that before too long and comes to make amends for hurting you. But please, don't berate yourself too much for what happened. He gave you every indication that you were, and really, is it that terrible to believe you've made a friend?.. **small smile** I do believe Tatsumi is correct - he left all of you, not just you. And while the hurt might be most acute with you, since the two of you worked together the closest, I'm sure the others are feeling the loss in their own ways... But I'm glad to hear that you will be alright. I just wish I could make it better for you now. You know how much I love to see you smile ( ... )
[Private to Hakkai]
I hope he does, too. And I'm trying, my friend.
...I never thought that Seiichiro could be hurting over this, too. *blush* I've been too lost in my own sadness to think about his. That's bad of me, isn't it... *sigh*
*smile* Tomorrow, then. I'll look forward to it. And I love fireflies. ^__^
*hugs back*
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