So I'm sitting here with Marisol. I just remembered that this thing even exists. We're trippin on how old school this thing is. Ha ha ha..... Myspace has taken over our online lives. SOoooooo funny.
It's been awhile. How are things? I've been fairly well. I've gotten into contact with people I haven't seen for ages. I love those kids. Lonliness is overpowering.
So my mom and I got all our boxes from storage... and after much rummaging through all that crap.. I realized that I am missing like 5 books! I am soooo pissed. Now I gotta go find them again and buy them again. Lame.
We're having a yard sale soon. Come by. Even if you don't want to buy anything.
I'm getting my own roooom! So excited. My room is going to be so empty. The only furniture i have is my nightstand. and a flimsy plastic thing i keep my underwear and stuff in. Lame. BUT.. it's all mine and I am soo excited.
I start school in like an hour! I am excited and nervous. I always got a little nervous on the first day of school. It happens more frequently now (2x a year). It's not the butterflies or that stuff. I am really nervous to go to school tomorrow. B/c I start classes over at East campus and I KNOW that I will run into all kinds of kids that I went to
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