i am about to go eat with daniel b/c he is a sweetheart. then tonight we are going tot he show at cave 9. go to support justin. and go so i can have ppl to talk to. daniel will abandon me once we get there. so go!
[-]my face burned today [+]i took more pics [-]dinner was ehhh [+]i perfected my backflip off the diving board [-]a roach tried to attack me out in the street [+]i got my Care Bears movie back from my lil cousin ///[wow, what a plus.]\\\
hjdfhjdshfjasdfhjdfhjsdf! i just went bowling. i did crappy. but i never claimed to be good. i'm leaving for home saturday morning at like 5am. i've gained 2.5lbs since i've been here. tomorrow is my last day of swimming for a while. sucks. i can't wait to go back home and ski though.
my face feels like plastic b/c the sun tried to burn it. haha. you can't burn me. but u can make me feel like plastic and get brownish. damn this tan! tans are so un-attractive.
dan and i picked up and left. we've landed in texas at my aunt and uncles's house. my grandma lives with them and their three kids. it's fun out here and tons of food. i love getting babied. they have a pool too. they just bought this house so it's awkward feeling. i'll have pics soon. iloveyou.