With my journal being hacked two times in two seperate weeks I found the cause. Some one put a KEY LOGGER on my computer. Yesterday I reformatted, and made a new journal. So my friends, today I close a chapter. I will no longer be using this journal anymore, instead please add chromatic_stars and I will add you back. xoxo
Hi. This is Joan. I know a lot of people on Mandy's friends list don't know who I am, but I live down here is Boca and I'm her best friend. I have my own opinions aboutwho is responsible for these things that have been going on, but it's not important who or why. It's time to move on. This journal is being deleted. Who ever has been doing this
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decided to fuck me over this week ><; heres my schedule tuseday-wall-5-10 wednesday-golf-5-10 thursday-lazer tag-5-10 friday-wall-5-12 saturday-golf-10-5 sunday-lazertag-5-10so fuck at least i have saturday and sunday night off :D which makes me verry happy. so i guess josh will have to meet me at work o.0
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so lastnight i talked to josh for 8hrs, good good fun, then i fell aaleep on my new bed and it was good it made me happy. and i woke up and wa s all like aaaaah i <3 my room. hehe in any event im gonna stop in to work later (1:30 ish) and see if im working which i hope im not because my feet an knees are killing me from megacon. *stretch* feels soo
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i really hate anxiety. i meen, most people would see me as a good person, and like, why do bad things happen to good people? it really upsets me, and i guess maybe its cause im too emotional? bah its just not fair. any who in other news i stod up on my bed today and since im not used to the height i hit my head on the ceiling fan X.x; and now my
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my sides hurt alot, i got my new bed up im tired talking to joshfather making me happy and keeping me enjoy. my sides hurt blah i have ne sheets for my bed and i need a blanket
this weekend is gonna roxor, joshfather is coming down for a visit, ^_^ which means DDR,FF7,Kingdom Hearts. and Dennys at like 3am. yay. in other news my new Dir en Grey CD wont play on my computer,blah i need to fins cd player ^^
so today was the last day i spent lots of money and got lots of stuff and ill post it all later. i bought yaoi and im happy and a new sword, had lots of fun in the car with shauna, <3
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