high, are you?deadite1September 11 2005, 14:32:20 UTC
There were helicopters coming in to help them. But those helicoptors were shot at by the people they were coming to help. They people of New Orleans couldn't pull themselves together and do what they have to do. On top of that its pretty had to help people that for the most part are fighting you off, and not listening to you. And ever sense they have stopped fighting there has be billions of dollars sent over there. Just because you don't like the president doesn't mean you have to support made up stuff from that jackass Micheal Moore. He's nothing but a talker that dosen't have his facts straight, and is trying to confuss this country just so he can be rich and feed his fat ass face. See Ya
Re: high, are you?brewtality1919September 11 2005, 19:16:32 UTC
Dude!? You have to realize, our government did next to nothing to help these people. Yeah the choppers came, and people did shoot at them, but they came a little too late. The government,(state and federal) had the information and the time to get more people out before the storm hit. They knew it was a category 5 hurricane. Thats a mean motherfucker. Why could'nt they sent national guard in before to get the poor and disadvantaged out. The ones with no means of transportation. And on the state level, they've had meetings for years about the possibility of something like this happening, and when the topic of evacuating the people without means came up...crickets. No one had an answer. And no one had an answer for what would happen if a levey broke, let alone ALL OF THEM
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Here it ismaniclovelySeptember 12 2005, 18:02:38 UTC
I understand that you don't support my views. And that's fine. But I feel that our government has really dropped the ball on this one. Now, I am DEFINETLY not a bush supporter, in fact I hate him, I think he is one of the four horsemen of the apocolypse. But no matter "who's fault" this is, the point is nothing was done. There was no plan for a major disaster like this. This city that was on a port, and below sea level, IN THE GULF, had no plan to evacuate in case of a FUCKING HURRICANE!!! That's like us not knowing what to do in case of a blizzard...it just doesn't make sense. I am saddened by the images on TV, and I know that there's nothing that I can really do to help these people, except give to my local charities in hopes of it all actually reaching the survivors.Celebrities are on T.V. urging you to help out while they sit in their Malibu homes sipping Crystol and eating whatever is on their South Beach Diet this week. Our national guard is unavailable because they are "fighting" a "war". Instead of being here. There are so
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