LOL I was looking through my pictures and I noticed i have like really hideous double underlids / double bagged folds under my eyes whenever i smiled big or hard
So then I looked at my eyelids and i was oh well maybe it evens out cause i have like three creases:
I had a wondeeeeeeerrrrful b-day, had my first surprise b-day party by my sis, Tommy, brother, and Ike!! They bought me sashimi, sushi, and shrimp tempura for my b-day, =O Soooo gooood
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You may never find this message, you may not exist anymore on the world or world of the internet. Although this is the only remaining link besides ..miracles... I still have the wrapping paper that you touched with your hands, and that has traveled from England to here. I still have the envelope that has your address. Yet I didn't send anything
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Another day I could just stare in space... Slowly forgetting everything... Quickly moving onto things... Making life as simple as it could be agian... Just let everything shed... Shed and let the light in... To another brand new day...