i remember too. it has been a long time. and time twists me in all different directions. sadly, i lose touch with people. i apologize if i hurt you. i still think of you from time to time. i wonder how you are and how life is treating you. Truly sorry that i became a stranger. i have also become a stanger to myself, in many ways. i feel i am only a skeleton of the person i was when we last spoke. years ago. . . Tell me, how is life?
I'm very surprised that you replied to this at all. I think in the past year and a half I may have left about 3 comments, and not once did you ever reply. It did make me sad, and hurt that you just dissapeared when we were just getting to know each other. But I accept your apology, and wish the best for you.
Comments 6
come on in and speak your mind!!!
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