Детские лошадки-палочки и качалки-"Hobby Horse". Часть 1.

Jun 25, 2010 15:41

Детские лошадки-палочки и качалки-"Hobby Horse"

Morris dancers along the Thames near Richmond, c. 1620


Robert Peckham. The Hobby Horse, c. 1840


Игрушка- лошадка на палочке существует на протяжении многих веков, некоторым изображениям три тысячи лет.

Термин "hobby horse" восходит к эпохе короля Генриха VIII из Англии (Henry VIII-тот, который многоженец). Он любил скачки и гонки на лошадях и разводил их специально для гонок.

Также этими словами называли в некоторых традиционных сезонных праздниках ряженых в чучела лошадей и танец Морриса в Англии:

Танцы и праздники с чучелами лошадей:

Morris dancers along the Thames near Richmond, c. 1620

Morris dancers along the Thames near Richmond, c. 1620. Detail of Thames at Richmond, with the Old Royal Palace by an unknown artist, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
Scene on a high-road passing through a village.
Эта традиция отразилась в карикатурах:

Boney's cavalry- a ruse de guerre or Bayes's troop in French pay.
French cavalry
Подробнее про это можно почитать здесь:

Постепенно это словосочетание стало синонимом активности и подвижности, а позже им стали называть и детские игрушки-палочки, и лошадки-качалки, а также детские экипажи и даже одну из форм велосипеда начала 19 века.

==============Лошадки на палочках=======================

Workshop of Maestro Giorgio Andreoli
Made in Gubbio
Plate, warped rim, well curves to centre, underside is concave within base

Так же, как сегодняшние дети подражают взрослым и любят играть в машинки и "водить автомобиль", так и в прежние времена, дети играли в скачки верхом на деревянных палочках с небольшой головой лошади ( чучела из ткани или из дерева), и иногда вожжами. Нижний конец палки иногда делался с маленьким колесом. Эту игрушку также иногда называют "cock horse"(петух- лошадь,как в английском детском стишке).

Лошадки на палочках были самой популярной детской игрушкой, выпускались сотнями тысяч. Но популярность их упала почти параллельно с заменой лошадей автомобилями и лишь немногие были сделаны после 1940 года.

Children's Games, Detail of Bottom Section Showing a Child and a Hobby-Horse, 1560
by Pieter Bruegel the Elder


Kind mit Steckenpferd (hobby horse), from: Dryander, Der Arzney gemeiner Inhalt. Frankfurt, Egenolf, 1542.

Formerly attributed to Barthel Beham
Seven putti tormenting a dog and her puppies; and walking to left with hobby horses and sticks.

Print made by Albrecht Altdorfer
Putto riding a hobby-horse. c.1520

Игры "в лошадки"
Print made by Nicolas Beauvais
After Louis Chéron


Продавец игрушек с лошадками-палочками.
After Marcellus Laroon II
A toy seller walking to right playing a trumpet with hobby-horses in a frame on a stick over his right shoulder; from bound series of the Cries of London. 1688

Five children playing by a tree with a tower in the background; one rides a hobby-horse, another flies a kite, and the others aim at pebbles; after Zocchi. c.1760s

Greenwich Hill or Holyday Gambols

Satire on popular recreation at Greenwich

семья Рубенса
Rubens' family

After Peter Paul Rubens
Print made by Philippe Joseph Tassaert

Print made by Philippe Mercier

Porträt der Henriette von Heintze, Ehefrau des de:Friedrich Adolph von Heintze auf Gut Niendorf bei Lübeck, mit ihren beiden Kindern Josua und Henriette vor romantischer Landschaft. Gemalt von F.C. Gröger, heute im Besitz des Museum Behnhaus in Lübeck.

Такая палочка была обязательной принадлежностью шутов, но чаще всего наверху была голова с острыми ушами, а не лошадиная:

Putti gathered in a glade, with one riding another like a horse

A fool dancing with a hobby-horse mocked by children; landscape background. Illustration to the Vulgate printed by Marion for Koberger in 1520

Pieter Bruegel the Elder (After); Hendrik Hondius I (Print made by); Three Fools of Carnival; three fools playing with their fool's baubles. 1642

Палочка иногда была короткая, и описывается как палка-погремушка, такие есть на многих картинках:

The Bocca della Verita; a female figure kneeling at right swearing an oath while placing her right hand into the mouth of a lion; a judge seated at right; a fool standing behind the woman at far r. c.1533-4
Print made by Georg Pencz

A Fool and a Woman; a woman sitting under a tree at right is embraced by a fool at left who attempts to lean in and kiss her; the woman raises her right arm to try to fend him off. 1520
Print made by Lucas van Leyden

Print made by Nicolaes Braeu
After Karel van Mander I
1592 (c.)

A jester, half-length, cradling in his arms his toy head of a face with its tongue sticking out. c.1630s
Published by Haye, Michel

==================Япония и Китай -16-18 век===================

Netsuke. Two boys with hobby-horse, a shishi costume, a flute and puppy. Made of ivory.

Print artist Ishikawa Toyonobu
1751-1764 (c.)
Edo Period
Woodblock print. Young actor Bando Kikumatsu dancing with hobby-horse; drum with stick and wind-wheel toys on floor; chrysanthemums in background

1522-1566 (ewer)



Качалки, как мы их знаем сегодняшний день, возникли примерно в 17-18 веке. В 19 веке они стали очень популярными и выпускались в сотнях тысяч экземпляров примерно с 1850 по 1920 годы. Лошадки делались из дерева, иногда покрывались настоящим мехом.

The First Hobby-Horse
Print made by John Condé
A little boy on a rocking-horse in a field facing right, raising a whip in his left hand, holding the reins in the other, smiling at the viewer, wearing a plumed hat.

Boy on a Hobby Horse. about 1815. By Henry Sargent, American, 1770-1845

Robert Peckham, The Hobby Horse (about 1840)

--------------------Антикварные лошадки----------------



This horse was made between 1850 and 1890




early 1900’s

---------------Другие конструкции------------

Victorian Rocking Horse

прообраз велосипеда:

Powered Hop-along Hobby Horse


Every man has his hobby horse
William Pether

Master Billy's hobby-horse, or his triumphal entry into Downing Street.


The 'little gentleman' on his rocking-horse, circa 1890

--------------Карусельные лошадки-----

Вот здесь из очень много, старинных и современных необыкновенной красоты:


------------------ДЕТСКИЕ КОЛЯСКИ---------------------------


---------------Детские принадлежности:----------------------


и еще разные детские принадлежности-ТУТ

Кареты, цирковые повозки, триумфальные повозки, портшезы-все посты-ТУТ

Two Fools of Carnival
Hendrik Hondius I After Pieter Bruegel the Elder,Dutch, 1642.

Дураки и шуты-ТУТ

О повозках с деревянными лошадками, игрушках, а также настоящих велосипедах "Hobby Horse"- в следующем посте.

Еще очень много:
Фото лошадок-качалок

Toy stick horses are a classic toy and have been around for centuries.
Just as children today imitate adults driving cars, so, in former times, children played at riding a wooden hobby-horse made of a straight stick with a small horse's head (of wood or stuffed fabric), and perhaps reins, attached to one end.

Rocking horses as we know them date from about 1750 for bow rockers and from around 1880 for horses on swing stands. . Rocking horses were made in hundreds of thousands from about 1870 to 1920.
There were hundreds of makers but sadly few were documented and so little is known about them.

Rockers declined in popularity almost in parallel with the decline of horse drawn transport and few were made after 1940.

The bottom end of the stick sometimes had a small wheel or wheels attached. This toy was also sometimes known as a cock horse (as in the nursery rhyme Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross ).
A hobby horse is not always a riding-stick like the child's toy; larger hobby-horses feature in some traditional seasonal customs (such as Mummers Plays and the Morris dance in England ), and they are constructed in several different ways. .
The term 'Hobby Horse' dates back to the era of King of England (the one with six wives). Henry and his court enjoyed all forms of gambling and King Henry introduced a stable of horses bred specifically for racing.
These were referred to as his 'Hobby Horses' - from the Middle English word 'hobi' or 'hobyn' meaning a small horse. The term 'hobby' then became synonymous with any 'Activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure'.
The word 'hobby horse' was then given to the name of a stick toy with the head or figure of a horse, on which boys make believe to ride.

