Title: School Project [Chapter 10/10]
mariposa02 Pairing: Onkey
Rating: pg
Genre: comedy, drama(?)
Summery: the "klutz" and the "ice prince" have to do a school projekt together.
AN: ......................................................yeah....
[1]; [2]; [3]; [3,5]; [4]; [5]; [5,5];
[7]; [8]; [9]; [10]; “I don't get it. Why does biology have to be so complicated?! I don't wanna do this anymore. Babe~ let's so something else~”
Kibum snuggled closer to his boyfriend, giggling like a little kid as he thought of the word “boyfriend” and took the markers out of Jinki's mouth.
“You know I might be getting jealous of there markers.”
“Yah! Are you listening to me?!”
“Oh! I'm sorry babe but I was just concentrating on our project. We lost a lot of time because of our little drama and we have to work fast when we want to make it in time.”
With that Jinki sticks the markers back into his mouth and starts working again, too engrossed in his work to notice Kibum stomping away angrily, a big pout on his mouth.
Only when he nearly fell from the sofa, because of the loud bang that echoed through the house he noticed the empty space next to him.
Jinki sighed. At first Kibum had been all shy and careful, when it came to their relationship, but just a few days after they had gotten together he somehow began craving for Jinki's attention. He would come up to Jinki and make out with him furiously and then leave either because he was so innocent that he didn't know what that would do to Jinki (but that was hard to believe) or because he just was the biggest tease ever. Either way Jinki was left with a bulge and the feeling of being completely played with.
He finished typing the last few sentences into his notebook and then stood up, running his fingers through his hair. Since the day he had his makeover it became all fluffy and soft, but it always fell into his face and so he got this habit of going through his hair, not that it was bothering him, it was the opposite because Kibum always said that it would look extremely sexy. Allover he had become pretty confident about his looks. He noticed girls giving him seductive glances when he walked through the streets and even the number of accidents happening deceased. But still they happened and he cursed under his breath when he stumbled on the stairs, his feet hurting like hell. He waited a few moments until the pain was weaker and them began going up again, this time being more careful.
He finally reached the door to his boyfriends room and knocked twice before entering. But he decided to quickly shut the door again as he sees the pink heart-shaped pillow flying towards him.
“Bummie. Please don't be mad.”
“Lee Jinki!” - Jinki flinched a little, because Kibum only called him like that when he was really mad.- “You stupid-workaholic-nerd-boyfriend! How dare you ignore me like that?!”
“I didn't ignore you, I was just concentrating on work.”
“I don't wanna hear your excuse!”
Jinki stepped into the room catching the pillow that was thrown at him. He walked towards Kibum who was lying on his bed, burying himself under as much blankets and pillows as he could.
Jinki, pulled the blankets up, hugging Kibum gently but tightly, so that he was not able to escape.
“Yah! You are not allowed to touch me as long as I'm angry at you!”
“Hey calm down babe. You don't have to be this angry with me just because I wanted to finish the project.”
“I don't ever wanna have kids with you!”
“What?! Babe what are you talking about?”
“You would be the worst dad ever!”
“Where did this thought come from right now? Aren't we getting a little bit too off-topic?”
Kibum wriggled himself free from Jinki's grip, sitting himself up. He looked serious, a wave of sadness overflowing his eyes.
“I don't want you to be like my parents.”
“Like your parents? Come to think of it I never met them where are they?”
“Working somewhere I dunno. They just left me here. You know they never had time for me, they are workaholics. They are assholes, I hate them!”
“Hey hey. Don't talk about your parents like that. They are still your parents.”
“They don't care about me, they are just working all the time and never at home. Jinki please never become like them okay?”
“Of course baby. Never, ever. I'll never be like them and I'll never leave you.”