May 23, 2016 10:34
I'm going through the process of making many of my old posts friends-only, based on appropriateness for general consumption.
If you're reading this, and not on my friend's list, and would like to be, leave a comment and let me know why. I'm forward dating this, for that purpose.
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Comments 17
It was nice to see you last weekend; if Dr. Teddybear gets a name, let me know.
(Also let me know if you don't know who I am. :-)
"Enamourned with, and beseiged by, stuffed animals of all varieties." This sentence made me smile.
If it is acceptable to you, I would love to read the rest of your journal, as I am sure it would also on occasion make me smile. Also it would allow me to see how you are doing.
(Although, I'd be surprised if it made people smile too often -- I use my LJ for a lot of pointless ranting. Although, it try to LJ cut those.)
So hey. (Yeah, I'm the ckd you probably think I am, from Weds/Fri gaming.)
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