If this community is even a little bit active, please please please help me find a copy of the Sex Song. I had it ten years ago but my iPod has died and I don't know where I can get another copy. It's NOWHERE. This is my only hope!
I found out from this article I found on the main Rufus message boardMartha Wainwright, 33 is a Canadian singer-songwriter. She lives in Brooklyn, with her husband, Brad
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Dance Morphoses/The Wheeldon Company with musical guest Martha Wainwright Friday, August 14, 2009 Saturday, August 15, 2009 From 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Central Park SummerStage
Martha performed Chelsea Hotel .2 3 years ago at an LA film festival opening of Leonard Cohen : I'm your man. The visual quality is bad, but the audio is pretty good. Doesn't she sound magnificent? I can't decide whether I like hers or Rufus' the best!
Is anyone else going to Martha's show at the Getty in L.A. this Saturday? I got tickets a month ago, but my friend flaked on me at the last minute so I'll probably just go alone. Meanwhile, I have an extra free ticket that I don't know what to do with. Any takers?